Steam Cleaning Frequently Asked Questions

Here are few of the commonly asked questions from our clients.


steam cleaning

How long will it take for my carpet to dry?
It usually depends on the time of year and the thickness of the carpet.  In the warmer months, it can take between 1 to 4 hours for your carpets to dry.  If your home is very cold and/or dark, it may take as long as 8 hours. 

I have heard that cleaning my carpet makes it soil faster. Is this true?
No, it is not true.  It is a common misconception that has come about because many home owners don’t know how manufacturer-installed carpet stain protection works. 

Some forms of carpet stain protection will remain present after steam cleaning while others will dissolve when exposed to hot water or detergents.  For example, Scotchgard protection, one of the most common forms of carpet protection, will dissolve after contact with hot water and detergents. 

Once that protective layer is gone, stains can occur more easily.  If you have this form of protection, it needs to be reapplied after the steam cleaning process has finished.  Most carpet cleaning providers offer carpet protection services.

After my carpet was cleaned, it has bubbles or ripples in the carpet. What caused this?
In some rare cases, bubble or ripples can appear after steam cleaning.  This problem may occur if the carpet was not properly stretched into place when installed.  To fix  these bubblers or ripples, the carpet may have to be re-stretched and secured using the tracking strip.

Will carpet cleaning get rid of fleas in my carpet?
Yes, it will!  Professional steam cleaning uses very hot water that penetrates into the deeper layers of the carpet.  That means it will remove the fleas that are clinging to carpet fibres and it will kill flea eggs.  Steam cleaning also removes pet hairs, which often have fleas attached to them.

Are there any risks associated with carpet cleaning?
There are no risks associated with steam carpet cleaning.  It will remove many allergens from your home and will only improve your health.  The cleaning chemicals used in the process are 100% safe.  However, if you concerned about those detergents you can opt for plain water steam cleaning or use a mixture containing white vinegar.

Should I turn my heat up to speed up the drying?


You can if you like, it will slightly speed up the drying process.  However, in most cases you can simply open a few windows to help the carpet air dry.  You can also turn on your ceiling fans to speed up the drying process.

Is the carpet damp after the cleaning?
Your carpets will be slightly damp after the stem cleaning process.  It will take anywhere from 1 to 8 hours for them to dry completely.

Can I walk on the carpet after cleaning?
Yes!  You can walk on your carpet immediately after it is cleaned.  However, you ensure that you only walk on it with clean feet while it is damp.

What does carpet protector do?

carpet protector

After your carpets have been professionally cleaned, carpet protection can be applied to make it stain resistant.  The protective coating helps to keep dirt, soil, water-based spills and oil-based spills from impregnating the carpet’s fibers.   

If there is a spill on your carpet, it will take longer for it to be absorbed into the carpet fibers.  That give you time to blot the spill before it becomes a stain.

Can Professional Carpet Cleaning Reduce Allergy Problems?
Absolutely!    Dirty carpet can contain many types of allergens including dust, pet dander, dust mites, mold, mildew and fungi.  By removing these particles with hot water extraction, you will have a much cleaner home with less allergens.

I've heard that wet cleaning carpets will cause mold or mildew growth?
Mold and mildew will not begin to appear in carpet unless it has been completely soaked with water and left to sit for days.  The small amount of water used in steam cleaning will dry well before mold or mildew can develop.